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Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Starting a Business

Here i post some tips from my experience about my own bakery.

If you want to start your own business, there are some things that you must be carefully:

1- Plan your business studying about it. (You need to know the Laws involved in your business,
    the taxes and the way it works.)

2- You need to enjoy it. (Do not start a Bakery if you dont like to wake up too early, if you dont
    like to be meeting people every time or either patience to lead your functionaries

3- When planning, do never forget the Working Capital, thats very important for any enterprise.

4- Do NEVER mix your home's finances with the enterprise's finances.(You will be lost)

5- Look for people who had already had an Enterprise of that type. (And ask for tips)

6- Study with your providers contracts to get lower prices when buying stocks.

7- Propaganda is one of the most important things to make your business grow up!

Starting a Business Originally published in Shvoong: http://www.shvoong.com/business-management/1987784-starting-business/

7 komentar:

syamsul rijal mengatakan...

masih pagi dah punya ilmu bermanfaat...thanks infonya sob

Dhana/戴安娜 mengatakan...

salam sahabat
hoho starting business in onlien im already not great hehehe cause im still try ok we will sucses yach xixi

Farix Sanquilicuor (Faris Hardiyanto 177) mengatakan...

Kunjungan ke info ini sob.... thanks

Bali Anjani mengatakan...

Boleh juga sharingnya... bisa dijadikan perbandingan dan nambah2in wawasan... keep posting, sob

Muhammad Chandra mengatakan...

mantaap , sukses terus ^_^

gelang mengatakan...

aksesoris gelang
gelang cantik unik

salvy mengatakan...

thanks for the tips..
BTW: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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